You Don’t Know Shit about Golf!!

When your first word in an email is the above statement..

It makes me want to hit you and I don’t know you. You have assumed that I am a mindless female with no skills outside of having a vagina.

I don’t like men like you, not because you have a penis but because you don’t have brain function.

Many of us ladies who are in this community do many things, some that would surprise many of you.

We are doctors, lawyers, nurses, therapist, mothers, sisters, aunties, paralegals, grad students, college students and so much more, and yes, some of us play golf. And some of are damn good at it. We are also good at tennis and many other things…

I wonder if you would have the balls to say this to my face if we were strangers sitting at a bar, but because you found me on the “internet” you can’t believe that it might be true. And because you are an anonymous entitled dick on the internet, you feel you have to say something to me and others.

You remind me of the idiot who asked me in an open forum on a now shut down hobbyist site, in hope of embarrassing me, what could you POSSIBLY know about BDSM.

I’ll give you the answer, I’ve given to others..

When I decide I want to do something, I take the time to learn it. I find a mentor or training program and work on those skills.

At every major company I’ve worked, we have been prohibited from playing golf with our clients due to some people committing fraud, and at my last layoff, when asked what was i gonna do, I told those assholes I was gonna learn to play golf. And I went right to the PGA store and signed up for lessons.

As far as my golf skills, I choke when I get to a hole with water. this is when I switch to the oldest whitest balls as i don’t want to lose any of my favorite pink balls. I’m still working on a handicap and I gauge how well I’m doing by the number of pink of balls I loose. Its a great game for me if I lose less than 6 balls in 18 holes.

Even though I’m not a great golfer, it does not give you or anyone else the right to knock what I do or to assume that I don’t know something.

And I’m great company on the golf course. I even belong to a group of executive women who network like hell on golf courses. I am in awe of some of them.

My advice to you, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, especially if they are women regardless of how they chose to make a living..


Another Fun Fact

.in addition to playing golf, i enjoy bowling, have actually had (2) 300 games. i love setting up flower beds and i happen to have 30 house plants…


Let's meet for: Dinner/brunch, A Day, Night or Weekend, A golf game, FMTY
or just an hour or so

Screening 102 - Our Health


He ate it all!