Time Well Spent

Time well spent

In his introduction, he thought I only got into BDSM but soon found out I really enjoy a lot of things and basically I am non judgmental. There are just some things I don’t write about.

He asked a few questions about being completely dressed and my gut feeling was he wore ladies underwear.

He asked me about the theatre or a movie date. I was fine with either.

He arrived and after a quick hug and kiss, escorted us to a late brunch. Found out he had tickets to see Cats. OMG I have seen Cats so many tons but it never gets old. Every theater along with the cast are different. During brunch the conversation went to what he called alternative undies. Thongs and the like. My feeling is as long as you and your parts are comfortable all is good. Buy and wear what the hell you want. He wears what he calls Ball breathers.

After we were seated in theater in some really great seats, he passed me a string and I just chuckled. I told him as long as he didn’t fart when I pulled the string, I was great. I reached over and made him open his legs and I felt his package to see what I was dealing with. I did pull the sturdy string to see what he would do, he just put his head back and moaned.

As the play moved on, i pulled the string at will. One time one of the characters in the play was real close to him and touched him, I pulled the string at same time. He made an audible gasp. Towards the end of musical, i returned string to him.

On our way back to the hotel, we chatted about play. he also had seen it a few times. We spent our remaining time slow dancing, making out and doing what consenting adults do.

Ball breathers

Another Fun Fact

I am a big into musical theatre lover and The Lion King is the top of my list. I have yet to see it, make my dream come true for me..


Let's meet for: Dinner/brunch, A Day, Night or Weekend, A golf game, FMTY
or just an hour or so   msphemie@gmail.com


Just a touch


I Shocked Him!