
What the hell is that..

According to the urban dictionary..

Shibari is a Japanese style of bondage, it's known as a kink but it's more than that. It's a kind of art, while tying the rope around someone's body you're making different patterns and connecting with that person. The positions you have to be in while being tied aren't usually comfortable but it's more about the journey than about the destination.

Being suspended via Shibari has been on my bucket list for about 5 years. My first question at the first workshop was what was the weight limit of the structure used as I’m not a size zero. It did make me feel good seeing bigger models suspended.

There was an extended conversation about consent and not crossing other peoples boundaries. I was so impressed with that. I was constantly asked if anything hurt or was I uncomfortable.

Watching his hands move the rope through his hands was erotic. It really almost zen. And NO, I was not drunk, tipsy or high as this would have gotten my ass booted from class. You cannot fully give consent if you are not present due to booze or drugs.

I can’t wait to do this again, it rocked my world.

Now let me make a clear statement here, just because I show a picture of me bound up, does not mean this is something I will allow a CLIENT to EVER do to me, NEVER happening.

Another Fun Fact


Let's meet for: Dinner/brunch, A Day, Night or Weekend, A golf game, FMTY
or just an hour or so

I Shocked Him!


His Thoughts 1